Mason of Distinction
The purpose of this program is to assist, and recognize, those Brothers who are help advance Freemasonry in 5 different areas: Membership, Community, Education, Fraternity, and Ritual.
By fulfilling these requirements, any Mason from Friendship Lodge will be awarded a pin with "Mason of Distinction" on it. The hope is that this program will continue year after year to help Masons remain active in Masonry and to give back to their Brothers and Community.
Please feel free to print out this PDF of the requirements and have the WM or other officer sign it when the requirements are completed. If you are within 2 years of receiving your Master Mason Degree, you are also eligible for the Zerubbabel Medal. Many of the requirements for the Zerubbabel Medal overlap with the Mason of Distinction.
Attend one meeting per month from Feb-Dec.
Visit one other lodge.
Pay dues before Nov. 15.
Serve on 1 committee.
Participate in a Lodge/community event (i.e. REACH/Blood Drive).
Attend one Masonic Youth Meeting (i.e. DeMolay, Job's Daughters, Rainbow Girls).
Make a presentation in Lodge (Education Committee).
Read two Masonic Books (one in the Spring, one in the Fall).
Complete your catechism/complete the Fellow of the Craft course for the MMA
Be in charge of Refreshments for one night.
Attend 1 Brotherhood dinner/event (Festive Board or Brotherhood dinners).
Visit/call/check on one sick brother regularly. (Sunshine Committee)
Attend Harvest Home Day (Oct. 1) and/or Family Day Picnic (June 4).
Participate in conferring of Degree work.
Attend 1 Summer School.
Assist with Catechism.
Attend one Ritual Practice.
Attend a minimum of eight of your lodge meetings.
Visit two other lodges. (Best to take a mentor with you)
Assist with refreshments or on a lodge committee.
Attend at least one social function of your lodge.
Participate in Lodge community event.
Attend a meeting of one of the Masonic Youth groups. (DeMolay, Rainbow, Job’s Daughters)
Have current information completed in Membership Manager.
Complete the Fellow of the Craft on the Membership Manager.
Be a first line signer on at least one petition.
Complete Master Mason proficiency.
Optional Requirements
(Must complete 7 out of 14)
Visit the Maryland Masonic Homes.
Visit the Stephen J. Ponzillo, Jr. Memorial Library and Museum.
Participate in degree work.
Deliver a charge for any degree.
Be a first line signer on a second petition.
Help organize a Lodge community event.
Attendance certificate from Grand Lodge School of Instruction (4 sessions).
Attend Harvest Home Day.
Attend Family Day Picnic with family.
Visit George Washington National Masonic Memorial.
Assist with catechism instruction.
Make a presentation to your Lodge.
Attend meeting of all three Youth Groups (DeMolay, Rainbow, Job’s Daughters).
Complete Pillar of the Craft on Membership Manager.